An Open-Source USB to CAN Adapter


The CANable 2.0 is a small low-cost open source USB to CAN adapter. The CANable enumerates as a virtual serial port on your computer and acts as a serial-line to CAN bus interface. With the alternative candleLight firmware, the CANable enumerates as a native CAN interface on Linux. CANable 2.0 supports both standard CAN and CAN-FD.

CANable adapters are compatible with ARM-based embedded platforms such as the Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Zero, ODROID, BeagleBone, etc. and are well suited for integration into OEM products.

CANable 2.0 USB to CAN Adapter

CANable 2.0 Features

For more information on getting up and running with a CANable device, refer to the getting started page.

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Software Support

The CANable is supported by several software applications:

Archived Products

CANable USB to CAN Adapter

CANable (Original)

CANable USB to CAN Adapter

CANable Pro

Stock slcan firmware

CANables ship with slcan firmware. This firmware enumerates as a standard serial device on Linux, Mac, and Windows for easy interfacing. The CANable can be easily re-flashed with the candlelight firmware which enumerates as a native CAN device in Linux and a generic USB device in Windows.

On Linux the CANable works natively with slcand, so you can use all of the standard can-utils command-line utilities and even Wireshark to interact with the bus.

On Windows and Linux, the CANable works with Cangaroo which allows transmission/reception of standard and FD frames as well as decoding of messages from loaded DBC files.

candlelight Firmware

If you update to the candlelight firmware, the CANable shows up as a native CAN device with socketcan--no slcand required! Performance is higher than the serial-line firmware as slcand is bypassed entirely. With Linux and socketcan you can use all of the standard can-utils command-line utilities and even Wireshark to interact with the bus. Note: candlelight firmware for CANable 2.0 currently does not support FD frames

Python Support

For even more flexibility, the python-can library allows you to directly talk to the CAN bus from Python. The library is cross-platform and can connect directly to a CANable's virtual serial port interface or native socketcan interface. With only a couple lines of code you can decode traffic on the bus, send messages, and more.

Check out the getting started page for more information.